VPN Privacy WiFi Routers | Buy The Best DD-WRT VPN WiFi Routers



Whats a VPN? A Virtual Private Network (VPN) service is the best way to protect privacy on your devices when you connect to the Internet, however, did you know that with a premium flashed Router from TV Box Company it is possible for every device in your home to be connected to the web privately via a VPN all of the time?
Protect your privacy with complete Network VPN encryption and access the content you desire.
For use with all major VPN providers utilising WireGuard® & OpenVPN Protocols.
All our routers include a free VPN configuration Plug and Play setup so it works straight out of the box.



Choosing the correct Router for your needs.

Processor (CPU) Power And RAM

Processor and RAM are the heart of your router’s performance. A router with a powerful fast CPU processor is essential for handling the encryption and decryption of data that VPNs require.
Look for Routers that have a fast CPU and ample RAM to ensure smooth performance, especially if you’re streaming in high definition or gaming online.
Why it matters: VPNs, especially high-speed ones like Surfshark, require a router with enough power to keep up with the encryption process. Without sufficient processor speed or RAM, your internet speeds will suffer!


Recommended Router CPU Clock Speed for your line speeds:

  1. 10Mbps to 80Mbps - FTTC (Fibre To The Cabinet).
    A router with a minimum CPU clock speed of 1.0GHz up-to 1.7GHz is recommended for good fast VPN Throughput!
  2. 80Mbps to 2200Mbps - FTTP (Fibre To The Premises Aka - Full Fibre).
    A router with a minimum CPU clock speed of 1.6GHz up-to 2.2GHz is recommended for good fast VPN Throughput!


Recommended VPN Protocol for running on a Router: WireGuard®

if your VPN Provider supports WireGuard® protocol run from a router, it's around 3 x faster than OpenVPN. If your VPN provider doesn't support Wireguard run from a Router, then we would recommend OpenVPN protocol, but we would strongly recommend you consider changing VPN provider to one that does support the faster WireGuard protocol on a Router, like Surfshark when your up for renewal.


Refurbished Routers


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